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10 tips for successful web texts

Entrepreneurs have a website to tempt the visitor to something. Make a purchase, request information, leave a message or sign up for a newsletter. That is why it stands out how often the visitor leaves without that desired action. Why does that still go wrong so often?

More about successful web texts

Clear and direct
Remember that a website visitor has little time. He/she stays as short as possible and if he has found what he was looking for (or thinks that he will not find it here) then he/she will soon leave. So give the visitor the feeling as soon as possible that your website is the place he is looking for.

Text is No. 1
Text is very important for a website. However, it often has the least budget reserved for it. That’s not smart. After all, text is often more important than a beautiful design, slick images, videos or sliders. Because that’s usually not what a visitor comes for. It’s all about the content for him. Make sure that your website texts comply with at least the following ten reference points:

10 points for successful web texts


Tell them directly and clearly on the homepage what kind of website it is and from whom and what you can do there.


Target audience

Let the language match the characteristics of your target group. There are six main categories: ranging from A1 (very simple texts) to C2 (very complicated communication). Almost all people understand texts at B1 level. Texts at the B1 level use everyday language without many ‘difficult’ words, have a clear structure (introduction-core-slot), short sentences and paragraphs and are written in the active form.


Apply the 3-stage rocket

First, name the ‘problem’ of your visitors; that triggers immediately. After that, tell us what the downside is if that problem is not solved. Then give the solution.



Communicate in your texts in the same way you talk; use the same words, the same kind of sentences etc. This reduces the natural distance to the visitor.



Avoid sentences that are too long; use paragraphs of 3/4 sentences or 6/7 lines and put short intermediate headings above them. Make sure there is enough white around the texts, which gives a calmer picture.



Avoid clichés, exclamation marks and the Caps Lock key.



Use a readable font and font size; pay attention to the color of the letter versus the color of the background. Black and white still gives the best contrast and offers the most soothing image.


Stand out

Use eye-catching call to action buttons, preferably one on each page, and lists (up to 7 items and not too long).



Make sure that all texts are up-to-date, state the correct opening hours, make sure that references to past actions are deleted in a timely manner, etc.


Make sure your site is found well in Google by including popular keywords in the texts and using headers. Also regularly refresh the content, which Google loves.


It’s good to keep in mind that a website is never completely finished. We are also currently busy optimizing our website!




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