2020 record year for self-storage industry

2020 record year for self-storage industry

2020 record year for self-storage industry Last year I wrote that 2020 had become a record year for the self-storage industry in many ways. In the first two months of 2021, this trend continued in the field of acquisitions. Investors are still looking for a safe haven...
Learn about the U.S. Self Storage market

Learn about the U.S. Self Storage market

Learn about the U.S. Self Storage market We at Universal Storage Containers normally visit all self-storage fairs. We are of course very sorry that this has not been possible for a long time due to COVID-19. Some organizers choose to organize an online variant....
The Z-Box versus hours of falling snow

The Z-Box versus hours of falling snow

The Z-Box versus hours of falling snow Delivering our storage containers is one thing, but monitors are sometimes even more important. We were suddenly treated to an unadultered winter week with scenes that would not look out of place in a painting by famous Dutch...
Short lease; the shortest route to high turnover

Short lease; the shortest route to high turnover

Short lease; the shortest route to high turnover Suppose you are going to (re)build and therefore you do not have enough storage space during this period. Or, you have a customer who needs temporary storage in the short term. Don’t worry, you can tackle these...