
We keep your storage park up-to-date

When we have built or expanded a container yard with additional storage containers, of course we do not go home until everything looks picobello. With dozens or even hundreds of tenants per storage facility, something unexpected can always happen after that time. And we take that into account….

It often happens that a customer asks us to come and fix or adjust something. Preferably as soon as possible. You can, as we always keep spare parts in stock. Four recent examples where we took swift action.

Storage Zeeland


Despite this, we had traveled to Zierikzee at the client’s request for a minor modification to a container roof. As we noted earlier, this location lends itself perfectly to shooting some primal Dutch images with our unsurpassed drone. Indeed, in few places is the eternal struggle against water as visible as in this part of Zeeland.



We had built these containers at our German customer’s site in their own unique, green house color. After some time, white spots had appeared on some container doors. We then polished all the doors on site, after which the stains were gone and the containers looked as they were originally intended. To the complete satisfaction of the customer.



At this French storage park, a truck had driven right through a container door. That door was damaged to the point that it could not be opened. At the customer’s request, we removed the damaged door and installed a new one. That was also a new job for us’. That’s why we carried it out on our own park first. In fact, setting a container door properly is a precise job. In the end, it worked out well on the spot.



At this park, a container was damaged because a forklift drove into a container wall. There was a hole in the back wall as a result. We repaired this container at the customer’s request by installing a new wall plate there. Now the container is again waterproof and suitable for long-term use.

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Seth Palsgraaf