From vacancy to profitable warehouse park

From vacancy to profitable warehouse park

Vom Leerstand zum profitablen Lagerpark Es ist inzwischen allgemein bekannt, dass wir zu viele Quadratmeter Auto-Showroom haben. Die Automobilindustrie wird sich in den kommenden Jahren stark verändern. Händler fusionieren oder werden von größeren Wettbewerbern oder...
From vacancy to profitable warehouse park

From vacancy to profitable storage park

From vacancy to profitable storage park It is now widely recognized that many countries have too many square meters of car showroom. The automotive industry is going to change a lot in the coming years. Dealerships merge or are swallowed up by larger competitors or...
9 tips for setting up a good self-storage website

9 tips for setting up a good self-storage website

9 tips for setting up a good self-storage website A website full of bells and whistles might look nice, but is it also suitable for your self storage company? Learn more about how to design a website that attracts potential customers and entices them to rent. A...
A good testimonial works wonders

A good testimonial works wonders

A good testimonial works wonders Maybe you already have testimonials without noticing them. Walk through your records. View emails, WhatsApp messages, or customer cards. Are there a few nice phrases or oneliners in some of those messages? If so, ask the person if you...